Travel image relating to a pilot's lifestyle.

Pilot Lifestyle: What Do Pilots Do When They Aren’t Flying?

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The average airline pilot works approximately 9-15 days out of the month. During their working days, a pilot is responsible for in-flight decisions and the overall safety of all individuals aboard the aircraft. What does the pilot lifestyle look like outside the cockpit, when they’re off duty? Let’s take a look!

1. Catching Up on Rest

According to the FAA, pilots are required to have 10 hours of rest, including 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep, in between their shifts.

Passengers expect their pilot to be fully energized and prepared for each flight. In fact, if a pilot is experiencing sleep deprivation, this can lead to safety issues and in-flight errors. For this reason, it’s important for pilots have a proper amount of rest for a successful flight.

2. Exercising

Getting a proper amount of exercise is an essential part of staying healthy. Part of the pilot lifestyle is being in the cockpit for several hours at a time, and this can limit the amount of physical activity an individual gets. However, luckily for pilots, many hotels, for those doing overnights and longer trips, offer a gym area for those looking to get in some strength and conditioning before returning to the cockpit.

3. Spending Time with Family and Friends

During their time off, some airline pilots find themselves enjoying the company of their friends and family, as this may not always be feasible during long trips. This is not your typical 9 – 5 job, so making sure to set aside time for your personal life and socializing is essential.

4. Preparing for the Next Flight

Aside from getting proper rest, as mentioned previously, there are several other things a pilot must do prior to their next flight.

Pilots will analyze the flight information the dispatchers have prepared. They look at required fuel, weather and the flight plan. In addition, pre-flight preparation is important as well, as it’s the pilot’s responsibility to make sure the aircraft is ready for departure.

5. Playing Tourist

During layovers or longer trips, depending on how much time they have, many pilots will tour the area for their enjoyment.

Have you heard about an incredible restaurant just a few miles outside the airport that you’d like to try? Interested in doing some sightseeing while you’re in the area? If time permits, by all means, get out there and discover what the world has to offer!

If you’re ready for new experiences and are interested in creating lasting memories, being an airline pilot might just be the career for you.

Check out Instagram profiles like @pilotmaria and @pilotamireh to see the possibilities a life of travel could bring you.

Are you ready to live the pilot lifestyle? In addition to the travel opportunities you’ll have at your fingertips, the lucrative pay and breathtaking view from the cockpit makes the hustle well worth it!

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